
Assigning Roles & Permissions

5mins to complete

Often, different collaborators require different levels of access to your Hub database and projects. As a Hub admin, you can ensure that everyone on your team has access to only the features and information they need—nothing more, nothing less. 

In this lesson of our Hub for ReOps: Set Up and Onboarding course, we’ll show you:

  • Which roles and permissions are available to set up in Research Hub
  • What information and data each role type has access to view
  • How to assign the appropriate roles and permissions for your team

📹 Prefer watching to reading? This content is available as both an article and a video. Watch our Customer Success Specialist, Kaylynn, take you through the content in the video below or keep reading to dive in!

Types of roles and permissions available in Research Hub

Currently, User Interviews offers three roles in a team: Team Admin, Researcher, and Teammate:

  • Team Admins share all Researcher permissions and are able to manage roles, membership, and billing within their team. In Hub, admins have additional customization options for panel access and permissions. Admins can also add themselves to projects, automatically giving edit access to make changes to what their team is launching. If you do not specify roles for your team, every user will have Team Admin permissions by default. 
  • Researchers can create and launch their own projects, and they also have visibility into team projects and panel data. However, researchers are not able to change custom settings.
  • Teammates can view projects created by their team, as well as collaborate on specific projects they’re invited to. They cannot launch their own projects, access the Hub panel or invite participants, or access team settings or invite team members. Every Hub plan has unlimited teammate seats, so this more limited role is perfect for those who only occasionally need to collaborate on research.

While roles determine what actions a team member can take within the team’s workspace, the actions that any team member can take within a project are determined by their project-level collaborator access. Project-level collaborator access is set and managed on a project-by-project basis. 

How to set up roles and permissions

To add an Admin, Researcher or Teammate:

As the subscription owner in charge of implementing Research Hub for your team, you should already have Team Admin access. Navigate to your Team Settings page and then click on the Members tab. From here, you’ll be able to:

  • Invite new team members via email or link. Invitees will need to verify their accounts before you can manage their roles on this page. 
  • Change assigned roles from full access (Admin) to standard access (Researcher) or limited access (Teammate). 
  • Deactivate member accounts by clicking the kebab menu next to the person’s name. 

If needed, you can obscure participant PII to further restrict a Researcher’s role access. To enable this setting, please email your CSM.

🏆 Lesson milestone: Now that you’ve learned how to manage roles and permissions, be sure to invite any close collaborators who’ll be working with you and give them admin access to Hub.

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